
Hand Rejuvenation

It is common to hear people say that our age is often betrayed by our neck and/or hands. In fact, over time, wrinkles, volume and spots on our hands may need to be treated to rejuvenate them.

The first thing that can be seen on your hands are brown spots from sun exposure. As frequent exposure to the sun occurs, brown spots appear on the affected area. It may therefore be necessary to eliminate them with Intense Pulsed Light. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) photorejuvenation can treat the signs of photoaging. A session lasts approximately 15 minutes. The light is focused on your skin and you will feel a sensation of warmth and a slight pinch. Usually only one session is required, but we may suggest a series of two treatments.

Volume in the hands is also important to restore. As we age, the hands become more hollow and the extensor tendons of the hand are more visible, as well as the veins. This can be remedied by using Dermal fillers and/or other technologies, such as tensor threads. Dermal fillers are injected to fill hollows and restore volume. Tensor threads are also interesting tools for restoring volume to the hands.

Clinique Laflamme combines the latest technologies to give your hands a youthful, dynamic and fresh appearance. Call us for a free initial consultation! We will put our vast expertise and our best treatment combinations at your service.


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