

What exactly is the “Laflamme” comprehensive approach? It’s simple yet complex. It aims to EMPOWER my patients. It’s the basis for each of my interventions. It requires nuance, knowledge, and experience.… Most often, new patients initially come to me with specific goals. They want to work on a specific area, such as the forehead, the … Read more

Enerjet treatment

Enerjet treatment

  Available for some time now, the Enerjet treatment at the Laflamme Clinic aims to treat the skin on several levels and can therefore treat several conditions, including the face, for a lifting effect, body remodeling, improvement in wrinkles and fine lines, treatment for acne scars, hypertrophic scars, and even stretch marks. In short, this … Read more

What is mesotherapy?


Mesotherapy is a relatively new technique that involves targeted superficial micro-injections introduced into the dermis, the inner layer of the skin. It uses small amounts of hyaluronic acid, with or without added vitamins, to target treatable areas. In short, it’s an enhanced microneedling technique that combines two procedures in order to stimulate the production of … Read more

New at our clinic: oxygen infusion glow

Une nouveauté s’offre à vous à la Clinique Laflamme cette saison et il s’agit du traitement par infusion d’oxygène permettant de revitaliser la peau grâce à une hydratation profonde du derme.   « Que ce soit pour apporter un coup d’éclat ou de fraîcheur à votre visage, cou ou décolleté, ce traitement est idéal pour un rajeunissement visible et … Read more

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